George Got Snubbed by a Puppet

by James Glaser
November 30, 2006

Even though counselor to the president Dan Bartlett said, "Absolutely Not," when asked if the president had been snubbed, the truth is, George Bush was snubbed by Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki of Iraq and King Abdullah II of Jordan.

George Bush was supposed to meet with these two guys on Wednesday, and try and figure out what to do about Iraq. Well with George and Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice on board Air Force One headed for the meeting, our ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad gave them a call on the phone telling the two of them that the meeting was off. That my friends is a snub, in anybody's book.

Now George Bush has been talking about this meeting and what he was going to do there for over a week. It was supposed to be a big deal. Then last week a Shiite cleric named Moktada al-Sadr told the Iraqi Prime Minister not to meet with Bush. Well it looks like this al-Sadr guy has more pull with the PM than Washington does.

Some how it looks like George Bush has been had. He has spent hundreds of billions of American dollars on his war in Iraq. Hundreds of billions that we had to borrow. George has lost almost three thousand troops and has had a good twenty two thousand Americans wounded, and he can't even speak to the guy we are supposed to be helping. Puppets today are not like the puppets of old.

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