A Reality Check On Immigration
by James Glaser
June 27, 2007

People on both sides of the aisle are pushing to pass an immigration reform bill, but those pushing the hardest are American corporations. It is pretty simple, corporations want a source of cheap labor, and nobody works cheaper than illegal aliens.

1986 was the last time we went through this immigration reform nonsense. Back then, like now, Congress talked about securing the border, and they let eight million illegal aliens become citizens.

That worked for a while. We never did fix that border, because we knew we wanted that cheap labor to continue. The 8 million new citizens got rights by becoming citizens, and they started getting higher paying jobs. If we fixed the border, who would work the cheap jobs these 8 million new Americans were leaving?

This time we will be making some where between 12 and 20 million new citizens, and those people will receive the rights of citizenship, and the corporations won't be able to screw over these people any longer, but they will still want cheap labor. So, like in 1986, Congress will pass a bill that fixes the border, but they will never really fix anything.

Cheap labor will continue to pour in and next time we will probably make 40 million new citizens, and again talk about fixing the border.

Wages of the American worker will continue to fall, and corporate profits will continue to rise. . . and that is the reality of this new Immigration Reform Bill Congress is working on.

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