It is Vacation Time Again
by James Glaser
October 16, 2007

Of course it isn't vacation time for you or me, but it is vacation time again for President Bush. According to our media, the President has taken 430 vacation days since coming to office. That works out to a little over ten weeks of paid vacation a year. Not bad huh?

This past summer the White House was going nuts because the Iraqi government wanted to take two months off, and we figured with our troops over there suffering and dying, the least they could do is stay on the job. In a compromise, the Iraqis only took a month off.

Somehow, George Bush didn't get the word about the troops suffering and dying. He must have felt that things were going so well that few would notice if he took a month or two or more down at the ranch. I guess being Commander-in Chief has some perks we never knew about.

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