They Might Want To Write A Book Too
by James Glaser May 29, 2008 Scott McClellan, a former Bush Press secretary has written a book, titled "What Happened," and talk of the book is on every media outlet on television. Of course with all the hype it has shot to number one on the New York Times book list. The book is pretty much old news, but the media talks about it as being some sort of insider's scoop about how the Iraq war started. McClellan has come up with the story that the Bush administration wasn't all that honest about why we attacked Iraq, and these pundits make it sound like this is news to them. Anti-war people and people who love this country and our Constitution have been telling the world for years that George Bush is a liar. Most of the world, except for the American media, knew that Iraq was not a threat to America. Many in the media are acting surprised with what McClellan has come up with. There is a reason for this surprise. People who work in the American media are in a club, and if you are a member of this club you have to follow the rules. That means if somebody from the club puts out a book, you have to gush over it like it is important. That sells books, and some day you might figure out how you can write a book, and you want that hype for your book. It is called tit for tat. It doesn't matter if your book is good or bad or even if it is interesting. During the next week you will see Scott McClellan on just about every news program, and he will later make the rounds to every talk radio show there is with National Public Radio being first. So, if you haven't bought the book already, save your money, because within a week every paragraph in the book that is even a little bit interesting will be quoted and dissected by the media. After this next week, there won't be much of the book you haven't already heard about. |
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