Remember This, We Are Still The Super Power!
by James Glaser
October 27, 2008

And because we are still the Super Power, we can do whatever we want, and we can kill whomever we want.

Now we all know that we are in two undeclared wars. One in Iraq and the other in Afghanistan. Yes, it does say in our Constitution that Congress has to declare war before we attack some country, but then the Rule of Law and that old Constitution are not what they used to be.

For the past month we have been killing whomever we want in Pakistan—sometimes with actual troops and helicopters, but mostly with unmanned drone aircraft. We tell the world we are killing terrorists, but the Pakistanis say we are killing women and children, too.

Yesterday, just to show the world again that we can do as we wish, we sent troops into Syria. This a report written by Associated Press Writer, Albert Aji:

DAMASCUS, Syria (AP)—U.S. military helicopters attacked territory inside Syria close to its border with Iraq Sunday, killing eight people in a strike the Syrian government condemned as "serious aggression." A U.S. military official said the raid by special forces targeted the foreign fighter network that travels through Syria into Iraq in an area where the Americans have been unable to shut it down because it was out of the military's reach.

"We are taking matters into our own hands," the official told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because of the political sensitivity of cross-border raids.

No, Congress did not declare war on Syria, but they didn't declare war on Iraq, Afghanistan, or Pakistan either. We are the world's super power, and I guess Washington believes that means we can attack and kill whomever we please.

You want to argue about that? Try it.

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