Really Now, It Looks Like a Hoax to Me
by James Glaser
November 30, 2009

I know there are thousands of scientists the world over who say that global warming is here, it is real, and it is caused by man. I have believed them for years, but I don't buy it any more.

It isn't the e-mails from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit that have been put on the web that convinced me that global warming is a hoax. It is the fact that the scientists at East Anglia now admit that they threw away much of the raw temperature data that their predictions of global warming are based on.

The, put it this way:

It means that other academics are not able to check basic calculations said to show a long-term rise in temperature over the past 150 years. The UEA's Climatic Research Unit (CRU) was forced to reveal the loss following requests for the data under Freedom of Information legislation.

If you think back to a few years ago there were a couple of scientists who shook the world when they said that they had made a fusion reactor whose fuel was water. Other scientists the world over tried to duplicate their work from the data published and it was proved the fusion reactor was a hoax. Nobody could duplicate their results.

For years scientists who did not believe in global warming wanted the data on which those claiming global warming was taking place based their theory. Now we find out that the original data was thrown out in 1980. All the work since then is based on computer models that were based on the missing data. Nobody can now repeat the original work and scientists don't like that.

As you can imagine, this report of lost data has brought a lot of comments on global warming research:

John Lamka wrote:
One of the most basic foundations of scientific research is the ability to replicate results. The raw data should have been made available when the research was originally published. The fact that it was not made available raises red flags all over the place. The claim that the data was lost rings hollow given the recently reviled emails showing that it was the intention of the researchers to prevent the raw data from being released. Without the raw data, the original research is for all intents and purposes worthless, and should be expunged from public discussion and scientific literature. Those who sought to prevent the release of the raw data are guilty of subverting the scientific process and should be ostracized from the scientific community.


Will End wrote:
The raw data should have been included in the first peer review of the data. These guys are basing reports on reports on reports. However, if the first report that everything is based on is not verified then all subsequent reports are suspect. They've made it impossible to audit their work which is the opposite of what science does. What's more, their peer review process clearly didn't do it's job because it should have included this data in a published report. This is the internet age. If the report would be a thousand pages so be it. People can download a massive PDF file or associated spread sheets.

There's no excuse for this dumping.


William Ledsham wrote:
As anyone with any background in information theory can tell you, manipulation of information is usually a one way street. A simple example would be taking the average of two weather stations to produce a single point. Now please tell me what the original data for either station was. Once cooked, it is difficult to get the chicken back together and have it run around the coop. Since the original data is gone, the numbers derived from it are meaningless.

You can read more comments, many as pointed and condemning as those above, just click here. From what I can tell, the whole Global Warming movement is based on the data that was thrown out decades ago. The scientists who have based their careers on this warming theory and have taken millions, maybe billions of dollars on research grants knew their data was gone, and nobody could prove their theory, so they just kept everything secret.

Now the cat is out of the bag. Most scientists, if they are honest, will tell you the Global Warming Theory is badly flawed. I say it is worse that that. I say it is a hoax, because, the scientists knew their original data was gone, and therefore their theory could never be verified. For decades they have continued to take research money for a flawed theory. So, their hoax became a money scam that has lasted for decades.

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