Inflation, Arizona, Obama's Debt Commission,
Our Federal Government Is Dishonest

by James Glaser
April 28, 2010
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I am going to jump right in with something to illustrate what I mean about government dishonesty.

In 1946, my parents had their home built in the Highland Park neighborhood of Saint Paul, Minnesota. It was a typical home for the era, with three bedrooms, one bath, no dining room, but a fireplace in the living room. They never did get around to adding on a garage.

This year my mother died, and that home built in 1946 was still her home. Dad and she had it built for just about $7,000 dollars. I used an inflation calculator, and it reported, "What cost $7,000 in 1946 would cost $76,090.56 in 2009.

Today, there is no place in the United States that you could buy a lot and build my parent's home for $76,000 or even $100,000. My parent's home just sold for $190,000.

Right now Washington is telling us that the cost of living has not gone up since December of 2008. They want us to believe that things this year, actually cost less than they did last year. I guess our politicians don't do their own shopping.

So, why did that inflation calculator tell me that something costing $7,000 in 1946 would cost only $76,000 today? Because that inflation calculator used government inflation numbers, and our government lies. The real inflation over those years is what made my parent's house worth $190,000. Real inflation in those 63 years is more than double of what Washington claims. You might want to talk about the real estate bubble, but my parents house sold long after that bubble burst.

There is a reason for Washington's dishonesty. Every time they admit that inflation has gone up, they have to come up with more money for people on Social Security and government pensions. Instead of being honest and telling us that they don't have the money to pay these increases, they decide to lie, and tell us that everything is just peachy, and things really aren't more expensive.

Here is another lie put out by Washington. Washington claims our Mexican border is protected, but we have twenty million (20,000,000) illegal aliens in this country. When Washington politicians are questioned about that, they claim those illegal aliens take only jobs Americans would not want. Right now we have about twenty million Americans out of work, and when a job does come open, the place is mobbed with Americans wanting a job. Have you been to a job fair lately? So those politicians lie about our having millions of illegal aliens, and then they compound that lie when they say, "Well they only take the jobs Americans don't want.

Arizona just passed a new law to try and get a handle on their illegal alien problem. Arizona's state government claims that crime is so high there because these illegals are committing more crimes. Washington says that isn't true. I looked it up, and the FBI says that Arizona has 5 of the highest crime rate cities out of a total of 75 American cities listed. Ouch!

Have you ever gone to Arizona? Well I have, and a big part of their population is retired people from all over the country. I don't think they are committing the crimes.

Here is the latest lie coming from our government. They claim our national debt is high, but it is manageable, and they will be getting it under control in no time. In fact, President Obama has put together a commission to do just that.

The commission is scheduled to make its report by Dec. 1, about a month after the midterm elections. It is charged with recommending ways to reduce the deficit in the fiscal year 2015 to the equivalent of 3 percent of the gross domestic product or less—nearly a percentage point smaller than it is now projected to be in that year. The panel is also to recommend long-term changes in taxes and spending for the major entitlement programs—Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security—whose expected growth is the biggest factor in the deficit forecasts.

Now, isn't that nice. This commission set up to work on our debt isn't going to even make a report until after our next election, and they don't even have to get any results until 2015, after President Obama has to run for office again in 2012. That is akin to Obama's Health Care Bill, which doesn't take affect until 2014.

You can tell our government is dishonest by the games they play with numbers, the spin they put on any reports about the state of our nation, and how they put any plan of action into effect after their next election.

As George Carlin the comedian liked to say, "I don't believe anything the government says." That's right—it's not really funny. But it is the truth, because our government in Washington is dishonest.

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