Helen Thomas Has a Point
How the European Jews End Up In Palestine

by James Glaser
June 8, 2010
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Helen Thomas committed a mortal sin. She said what many people think, and that is the Jews in Palestine should not be there, but in their home countries in Europe.

After World War II, the people in power, the Americans and the Brits, decided it would be a mess to keep European Jews in Europe. They would want their banks back, their factories back, their art pieces, their land, and their MONEY.

Well, that would be messy, and besides that, all the people who colluded with the Nazis in sending the Jews off to the concentration camps would have to be brought to justice, and they were the people who had the Jewish banks, and factories, and, land, and art, and MONEY. So for sure they didn't want the Jews to stay in Europe.

So, the Brits and the Americans gave Palestine to the Jews, and they took it just like those Europeans took everything from the Jews. I bet, just like Palestine families still have the key to the home the Jews took from them, there are Jews who still have the key to their family home in Germany, Poland, or France.

The Jews did to the people of Palestine, what the Nazis and the winners of World War II did to them.

Helen Thomas knew that, and she said it out loud. So, she is in trouble. It never is good to remind people of their evil past, and what we did to the Jews after World War II was evil, and what the Jews did, and are doing to the people of Palestine was and is evil, too.

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