Thank You General McChrystal
by James Glaser
June 25, 2010
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President Obama should be thanking the general and the reporter from Rolling Stone who wrote the article about what the General and his staff were saying about the White House. They took BP's oil spill off the front page for a couple of days.

Actually oil is now gushing on to Florida beaches and there is a report that BP is burning turtles alive.

Is BP burning sea turtles alive?

Updated: Tuesday, 22 Jun 2010, 4:39 PM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 22 Jun 2010, 4:39 PM E staff report

VENICE, La.—A boat captain working to rescue sea turtles in the Gulf of Mexico says he has seen BP ships burning sea turtles and other wildlife alive.

Captain Mike Ellis said in an interview posted on You Tube that the boats are conducting controlled burns to get rid of the oil.

"They drag a boom between two shrimp boats and whatever gets caught between the two boats, they circle it up and catch it on fire. Once the turtles are in there, they can't get out," Ellis said.

To tell you the truth, I think President Obama is a bit thin-skinned. All the way up and down the chain of command in the military and in every corporation in America, the people lower down talk about their bosses above them. I am sure that Majors and Captains talked about General McChrystal.

Years ago, an article like this would have never made print, because the writers and the publishers thought about the troops. I only wish President Obama could have thought of them, too.

I don't know if more troops will be killed or wounded because the President fired McChrystal, but for sure the military commanders left in Afghanistan are taking their eye off the ball, and talking about this mess at the top.

Last, but not least, who the heck reads Rolling Stone any more?

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