Poof! It's Gone!
by James Glaser
August 5, 2010
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Here it is, good news! No, better than that—phenomenal news from CNBC News:

Nearly 75% of BP Spill Oil Is Gone From Gulf

How can that be you might ask. Just a day ago people were talking about how we would be cleaning up the Gulf for years to come, but now the oil from the spill is gone they say, or most of it. Spill. Isn't that a nice word. BP just spilled a little oil in the Gulf of Mexico, but now most of it is gone. Here is how the New York Times reported it:

Published: August 4, 2010

WASHINGTON — The government is expected to announce on Wednesday that three-quarters of the oil from the Deepwater Horizon leak has already evaporated, dispersed, been captured or otherwise eliminated—and that much of the rest is so diluted that it does not seem to pose much additional risk of harm.

I like that line—"or otherwise eliminated." Have you ever had an oil leak under your car? When you sold that car, and bought a new car without a leak, did that stain on your garage floor just evaporate, or was it otherwise eliminated?

The government is saying that 75% of the "spilt oil" is gone. It was here yesterday, but it is gone today. Nobody even knows how much oil was spilled, but the government knows that whatever that number was, 75% of it is gone, and what is left "poses little additional risk."

Isn't that just wonderful? Do you believe that? I'll tell you what I believe. I believe our government is full of crap, or they have no idea of what they are talking about. But I can tell you what they do know, and that is that an election is right around the corner, and they want money from Big Oil. So, they will say whatever it takes.

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