I Don't Care Whether or Not Obama is a Muslim
by James Glaser
August 23, 2010
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I don't care if President Obama is a Muslim. I don't care if he is a Christian. I don't care if some Muslims want to want to build a Mosque near where the World Trade Towers were located. I don't even care that Iran has started up their nuclear power plant.

I do care about the 15 to 20 million Americans out of work. I also care about the 300,000+ Americans who have received foreclosure notices each month for the last 17 months. And I care about how far in debt our country is.

I also care about the wars we have started, and I care about all the innocent people our military kills and maims all over the globe. I care about our troops fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Columbia, and all the other spots on the globe we don't know about.

I care about my children, and their children, and the country and world we are going to leave them. There are many things to care about, but neither Barack Obama's religion, nor if they build a Muslim Church a few blocks from the hole in the ground where the World Trade Center was is one of them.

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