It Is Getting Harder To Claim I'm Proud To Be An American
by James Glaser
August 26, 2010
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At one time it was easy to be a proud American. We had hospital ships cruising the oceans of the world helping people out where ever we could. There was the Peace Corps, filled with young and old Americans giving their time and energy helping out poor people all over the globe. The world loved us, and we were the "good guys."

The truth is, the World no longer loves us. You do know that, don't you? In fact, much of the world hates us and a lot of the rest of the world fears us. We are no longer the good guys in the eyes of most people.

What happened? How did we lose the reputation we had? Well, for the most part it was our continual war going on some place in the world. For decades America has been killing and maiming people some place. You can only do that for so long before you alienate most people.

Other than the American public, nobody buys our bringing peace and democracy to the rest of the world. You see, the rest of the world does not have our censored media. The rest of the world gets to see the women and children we kill. They get to see the water treatment plants we bomb. They get to see the electrical power stations we destroy. The rest of the world gets to see our war crimes. We are the only people insulated from the truth.

Here is an example of what I mean. Here is a article written by William Grigg and published in the Libertarian Standard. You will never see any thing like this in America's main line media. Our media is controlled and they won't print things like this, even though it is backed up with hyper links to verifiable sources.

Another U.S.-Inflicted "Ground Zero" in Pakistan

Posted By William N. Grigg On August 23, 2010 @ 10:49 pm @ 10:49 pm In Anti-Statism, Imperialism, Racism, The Right, War | No Comments

If opinion polls are reliable at all, most Americans are too enthralled by the manufactured outrage over the so-called Ground Zero Mosque to notice that the government claiming to represent them just massacred, via remote-controlled drone, at least twenty innocent people in Pakistan [1].

Several of those killed in the attack were children whose lives were violently ended by a missile fired at the hideout of "suspected militants [2]." It was their fatal misfortune to be living next to an address chosen for a "targeted execution"—that is, an assassination conducted pursuant to presidential order.

This is just one of literally hundreds of "ground zeros" the U.S. government has inflicted on Pakistan since Barack the Blessed escalated the drone war early in his presidency. That fact is lost on the spittle-flecked militarists who profess to be inconsolably offended by the presence of Muslims within a few blocks Ground Zero's incomparably sacred soil in Lower Manhattan.

People intoxicated with a sense of vicarious victimhood aren't likely to understand, or care about, the anger and frustration of Muslims whose homes and families have been destroyed, on a whim, by the rulers of a distant and unassailably powerful regime.

The more deranged among the neo-Know Nothings (the "No Mosques in America!" crowd) insist it is a species of sedition even to suggest that there is a connection between the criminal violence committed by Washington abroad, and the retaliatory terrorism we occasionally experience here at home [3].

This dogmatic indifference to the value of non-American lives was displayed by Hillary Clinton during an October 2009 foreign excursion in which she inflicted herself on the inhabitants of Pakistan [4]. During a meeting with Clinton, several well-spoken but forceful Pakistanis condemned the strikes as "executions without trial" and acts of state terrorism. Clinton breezily dismissed the complaints: "There is a war going on."

That statement is a distant echo of Madeleine Albright's notorious comments in a 1996 60 Minutes [5] interview, in which she blithely said that it was "worth it" for the U.S. to suffocate Iraq with sanctions that were killing tens or hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians each year [6].

Albright's words, which were re-played incessantly in the Muslim world, resulted in a huge windfall for terrorist recruiters (who really should have given her a commission for each suicide bomber who enlisted in their ranks).

Clinton's arrogant, dismissive comments weren't as widely reported, but the policy she defended is cultivating the seeds from which future terrorist attacks will spring. And the bovine residue being spread about the "Ground Zero Mosque" by the War Party's cynical hate peddlers is helping fertilize that threat.

You can read the article here, and check out the links for yourself.

America now has people in Nevada who use remote-controlled drones to bomb people on the other side of the world. They don't even have to get their hands dirty or leave the comfort of an air-conditioned office to inflict death on little children and their mothers. Now how proud are you of that?

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