Obama's New Stimulus Plan
Yes, It Is An Election Year

by James Glaser
September 7, 2010
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Here is the new sales pitch for Barack Obama's new stimulus plan. It is now called a "Jobs Bill." In the first stimulus plan President Obama gave almost $800 billion dollars to Wall street and America's big banks.

The new plan calls for $50 billion dollars to go to the biggest construction companies in America. Obama will tell us that this money will trickle down in the form of wages for road construction workers. They won't call it "trickle down," because that is a Republican term used to sell one of their pet projects. Obama will use "Jobs Bill" for his plan.

Just like every other government plan by either party, Obama's plan is just another big spending spree for Congress. Yes, it is an election year, and Washington will be spreading around money to make things look good. Yes, they are going to borrow the money for this spending spree, too. Once again, they will be spending money we don't have.

Thanks, Kids!

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