Media Shows Its True Colors
by James Glaser
November 3, 2010
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So, I am watching the election returns by flipping between CNN and Fox. The Fox people are all upbeat and smiling. On CNN they are looking very serious and frowning a bunch.

Rachel Maddow just came out and said, "What "we" have to do next time..." All pretense is off, and Maddow is calling herself a Democrat. Finally a little honesty from the media.

Both stations are talking about big changes in Washington after the election. Both sides are still pretending that Democrats and Republicans are owned by different groups, but in truth both political parties are owned by the Defense Industry, Wall Street and the Big Banks.

Not much will change. We will still be killing people all over the globe. Washington will still be using the Patriot Act to help keep all of us in line. The rich will get a bit richer and the rest of us will lose a bit more of what we had

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