America Needs New Leadership
by James Glaser
July 27, 2011
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I am not claiming that I was or am a great leader, however I did learn some things as a Marine Corps Sergeant in Vietnam. Yes, you do lead by example, but there are also other traits that get people to follow your lead, and getting people to follow your lead is what leadership is all about.

I have been watching and listening to President Obama for several weeks now on the Debt Ceiling and budget problem going on in Washington. Something that has really jumped out at me is President Obama's lack of giving credit where credit is due.

Sure President Obama disagrees with the Republicans, however the Republicans are the only group until a couple of days ago that put any sort of plan in writing for the American people to study. I understand that Obama does not like their plan, but he could give them some sort of credit for all the work and research they put into it. He doesn't do that, and what is worse, he discredits their work in public. Leaders don't do that, but politicians do. In fact, if things are not going well, a real leader puts the blame on himself or herself. Have you ever heard President Obama do anything like that? I sure haven't.

A real leader is able to clearly state what he wants from those he thinks are following his lead. That way there will be no misunderstandings. President Obama, even at this late date, refuses to publicly explain to the American people what he wants in this budget mess. In a situation like this, you can't just talk in vague terms. You have to put together a plan in writing that everyone on the team and the American people can look at. President Obama refuses to do this. Nobody knows what he will or will not accept.

A few days ago the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, said that he and his Republican Party were close to an agreement with President Obama and the Democrats on a budget bill, but at the last minute President Obama changed his mind on the amount of taxes he wanted to raise. The agreement fell apart, because President Obama never put any of his ideas on paper that he could be held accountable to. A real leader knows what he wants and is able to make that known in no uncertain terms. You must remember that neither the White House nor President Obama have said this report by Boehner was false.

Another thing. President Obama lacks creativity. His verbal plan is no different than what we have been doing for the last 50 years. We spend more than we have, and when that money runs out, we raise the debt ceiling and start spending again. The only trouble with that is we have spent and borrowed so much for so long that the interest payments are killing us, and if we don't change, other countries will not loan us more money without a much higher interest rate. Our debt has made the United States a bad loan risk.

President Obama has shown us that he has no new ideas. He has also created an atmosphere of distrust in our current government. The Republicans of today are not about to work with Barack Obama. The Democrats were able to work with President George W. Bush, and the Republicans were able to work with President Bill Clinton. In fact, almost every American President in history has been able to work with the other political party to some extent.

I believe these last few years have shown us that Barack Hussein Obama for many reasons does not have the leadership qualities our other Presidents have had. If we want Washington to start working together again for the good of our country, we are going to need a new leader. It could very well be a Democrat or a Republican, as in the past both political parties have given us strong leadership.

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