I know it is hard to believe, but in the short time Barack Obama has been in office, 1,146 American troops have been killed in Afghanistan, and over 10,000 have been wounded. I didn't add up those killed in Iraq, and for some reason the Pentagon keeps the number of Americans wounded in that country a secret. Wonder why.
I read today that we have made one million widows in Iraq, but I suppose the bulk of them were made during the Bush presidency. Obama has put his mark as Commander-in-Chief on the Afghan War. Let's give him a little time, and he will establish his own widow-count in Afghanistan.
So, now President Obama is telling the country we need 1.5 trillion dollars in new taxes. He says nothing about ending our wars, which by the way cost us much more than $1.5 trillion. I guess we are going to go right on killing, right on spending borrowed money on these wars, and by doing that, Barack Obama thinks he will get a second term.
I wonder how many American troops will die if Obama gets to keep on spilling blood on the other side of the world. Oh and I do know President Obama has started wars in Yemen, Pakistan, and Libya. It will be interesting to see how many more he can start if we give him a second chance. God forbid.
Hopefully, the American people are tired of the bloodshed, the maiming, the orphaning and widow-making, and will put someone in office who will end all these wars.