Made in America?
by James Glaser
November 3, 2011
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It seems like a long time ago that the first President Bush was talking about a "New World Order." After he left office we didn't hear much about it, but I think people have been working on getting us there ever since.

I was listening to NPR today, and they were talking about the fact that our pharmaceutical industry is no longer able to manufacture antibiotics in this country. We get all of ours from China and India. If something happened with our cooperation with these two countries, out health care industry would be crippled in a few weeks.

It isn't just antibiotics, but there are many other drugs that are no longer made in America. It seems that the drug industry, like so many other American industries have decided that profits are number one in their business plan.

Every time I go shopping it seems that it is harder and harder to find something made here at home, but if you go to you will find the list of just about everything that is still made here.

Really it is our fault that things like antibiotics are no longer made here. Corporations don't see a need to manufacture their products here, because American citizens are always looking for a deal or the cheapest thing they can find. We really have no loyalty to our own companies or their workers.

Yes, I know all about the benefits of open borders and free trade, but one of the draw backs of those two are lower pay, and less jobs here in the Unites States. Also the loss of a ready supply of critical products, like those antibiotics if some war started or if the country that makes them all of a sudden needed them for some their own people if some regional epidemic came along. You know they would hold back supplies, and give the medicine to their people first.

So, we have people in Washington and industry pushing us into some sort of one world free trade partnership that could be the ticket to an eventual one world government. If you look at Washington, you can see they want to at least control the whole world if not out right annexation of it.

Most of our corporations are no longer American Corporations, but rather International Corporations. And those International Corporations set up plants and factories where ever it is best for the corporation. They have no loyalty to America

However, if we, you and I started buying American made things, those corporations would be forced to open American plants back up. They would also have to employ American workers. Not because they want to or because they love America, but because it would be best for their sales numbers, and their bottom line.

The American consumer holds the power to put our country back to work. All we have to do is demand "Made in America" with our pocket books.

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