Hey, It Is An Election Year
by James Glaser
June 11, 2012
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The media, the Republicans, and the Democrats are pointing fingers and yelling about anything they can to keep the American people from thinking about the real problems our nation faces.

The media is now talking about the Obama administration's leaking classified materials that lead to stories that hurt our National Security. This is said to have been done to make President Obama look like a strong leader. The Democrats are talking about how Mitt Romney has thrown thousands of people out of work in his career making him a rich man. The Republicans are talking about how Romney has put tens of thousands of people to work in his career making him a rich man, but also creating careers for thousands. On top of that, the Republicans talk about how Romney saved the Olympics, just as a good-will gesture.

Meanwhile, the American people are watching young Americans come home almost every day in a body bag from a war in Afghanistan that should have ended a decade ago. Many millions of Americans are watching their home values continue to drop as many of their neighbors continue to lose their homes to foreclosure. On top of that the unemployment number went up last month, and more and more corporations talk about downsizing their work force.

So, we have both political parties and the media all ramped up in their election mode, making every effort to keep the American people from thinking about, and voting on our real problems, because neither political party has any idea of how to fix our problems. However, if some politician does have an idea, he certainly is not about to voice it in an election year.

The best idea in the whole world will be shut down by the other side in an election year, and if anybody voices concern about our wars, they are quickly branded as weak on national defense. And for sure neither political party is going to talk about our deficit, let alone do something about it. After all, it is an election year.

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