Where the Heck Is Ron Paul?
by James Glaser
June 12, 2012
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A couple of days ago, Ron Paul's son, Rand, a Senator from Kentucky, went on television and endorsed Mitt Romney for President. Rand Paul claimed that Romney and he have a lot in common in their beliefs for America.

Now the whole Ron Paul movement is sitting around wondering what is going on. Why would Ron Paul's son make this endorsement at this time, and how the hell could he say he and Romney have any beliefs that coincide? If they do, that means Rand Paul has been lying about what he believes in for a long time.

So, where is Ron Paul, and what does he have to say about the future of his movement? His silence is ominous, and the hundreds of thousands of Ron Paul backers are out in Limbo not knowing what is what.

Post Script:

I just tried calling the Ron Paul Campaign, and they are not taking calls or even allowing you to record a comment. Looks bad!

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